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Sobre el empleador

FrieslandCampina is an international company with a strong local character. We are people-focused, approachable and open. We believe we will only get more out of milk and achieve our goals if we employ motivated and well-trained people.

Many product categories in many countries

FrieslandCampina has a wide range of products and has offices and production locations in 33 countries. Besides consumer products, we also make raw materials (ingredients) and semi-manufactures for other food producers or pharmaceuticals. That’s why we have careers both in B2C and B2B environments to offer. Most of these career opportunities are in a corporate environment. But we also have career opportunities in our state-of-the-art Innovation Centres in Wageningen (the Netherlands) and Singapore or in one of our many offices or production locations in many countries across the world.

Ubicación de la empresa

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