
Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment

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The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is the government research institute for public health, nutrition, environment and safety. The RIVM carries out independent research and gathers and applies knowledge globally. Each year RIVM staff publish a large number of reports and consultancy documents. Approximately 1,500 employees are based at the institute’s premises in Bilthoven.

The RIVM plays an important role in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. All activities related to this area are the responsibility of the Centre for Infectious Disease Control (CIb). Tasks include effective prevention, extreme vigilance and rapid response to potential outbreaks. In the event of a disease outbreak, CIb coordinates prevention and control measures at a national and international level, and provides support to local and regional authorities in implementing national control measures. CIb formulates disease prevention and control strategies for health professionals and advises government bodies and professionals in the field. An important aspect of this task is to improve the quality and uniformity of prevention and control strategies. Equally important is providing clear and reliable communication to public health professionals, and establishing effective international cooperation.

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