Université catholique de Louvain

Postdoctoral position - cancer cachexia / muscle atrophy / gut microbiota

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The Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) is internationally recognized for research and teaching quality in many different fields of expert...

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The Metabolism and Nutrition Research Group, LDRI, Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, is looking for a Postdoctoral fellow to join the team of Prof Laure Bindels. The research of Prof Bindels’ team is dedicated to the exploration of the contribution of the gut microbiota to cachexia and metabolic alterations associated to chronic diseases.The candidate will be joining an ongoing project in the context of a WELBIO program ((Walloon Excellence in Life Sciences and BIOtechnology). The candidate will investigate the molecular mechanisms by which the gut microbiota can communicate with the muscle, modulating muscle atrophy in the context of cancer. His/her contribution will involve in vitro and in vivo experiments, with investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the impact of specific microbial products as well as metabolomics and/or transcriptomics data interpretation.

Where to apply

E-mail laure.bindels@uclouvain.be


Research Field Biological sciences » Biology

Education Level PhD or equivalent


The candidate holds a PhD in Biological/Medical Sciences, Molecular/Cellular Biology, Biochemistry or equivalent for less than 3 years, with a trackable experience in mouse experimentation andstrong knowledge in muscle metabolism and biology. Experience with primary muscle cell culture, functional bioassays and in vitro gene edition will be considered as a plus.

The candidate is creative, rigorous, quality-oriented, and autonomous. A good command of English (spoken and written), excellent communication skills, and ability to perform and analyze experiments independently as well as in a team, are necessary.  

Specific Requirements

The candidate is considered in international mobility, i.e. she/he has not resided, studied or worked in Belgium for more than 12 months over the past 3 years before the start of the position.

Languages ENGLISH

Level Excellent

Additional Information

Work Location(s)

Number of offers available 1

Company/Institute Université catholique de Louvain

Country Belgium

City Brussels

Postal Code 1200

Street Av Mounier 73


City Louvain-la-Neuve

Website http://www.uclouvain.be

Street Place de l'Université, 1

E-Mail laure.bindels@uclouvain.be

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Postdoctoral position - cancer cachexia / muscle atrophy / gut microbiota
Place de l'Université 1 Louvain-la-Neuve, Bélgica
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