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Uppsala University

Varios lugares Upsala, Suecia
Upsala, Suecia
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Sobre el empleador

World-class research and first-rate education of global use to society, business, and culture. Uppsala University’s goals:

  • Conduct research and provide education of the highest quality.
  • Be broad-minded and open to change.
  • Take an active role in global society and promote development and innovation.
  • Stengthen its position as a world-leading university and contribute to a better world.

Uppsala University is the oldest university in the Nordic countries, with a living cultural environment and fantastic student life. There are 40,000 students here, and they are seen, heard, and noticed everywhere. World-class research and high quality education pursued here benefit society and business on a global level. The University is characterized by diversity and breadth, with international frontline research at nine faculties and limitless educational offerings at undergraduate and master levels.

  • One the world’s 100 highest ranked universities
  • International orientation and position
  • Peer culture of quality review and academic freedom
  • Diversity and breadth – research and education in nine faculties
  • Broad educational offerings at undergraduate and one- and two-year master’s levels
  • International master’s programmes
  • Student exchange and research cooperation with universities throughout the world
  • Key collaborative partner for business and society
  • Active, systematic quality improvements
  • Superbly equipped, purpose-designed, modern, interdisciplinary campus areas
  • Oldest university in the Nordic countries with living cultural settings
  • Fantastic student life
  • Academic traditions and festivities
  • Unique cultural offerings
  • Carl Linnaeus, Anders Celsius, and Olof Rudbeck are some of the famous historical Uppsala figures.


  • International cutting-edge research within all nine faculties
  • Strong research environments
  • High proportion of research grants
  • Large share of ERC grants to Uppsala University
  • Specialization and multidisciplinary collaboration
  • Pure research and innovations
  • National and international research collaboration


  • Broad course offerings from undergraduate to doctoral level in nine faculties
  • Lifelong learning through continuing and mid-career education
  • Dedicated investments in high quality and stimulating study environment
  • Educational development work
  • Student participation


  • Enabling interplay between academy, business and society
  • Offering courses for mid-career education
  • Facilitating contacts between students and business
  • Forging contacts with alumni

Ubicación de la empresa

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