
University of Liège (ULiège)

Varios lugares Lieja, Bélgica
Lieja, Bélgica
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Sobre el empleador

The slogan of the University of Liège (ULiège) reflects its role and ambition over the past 200 years. That is to constantly create new knowledge, to share it broadly, to incorporate in students training and to contribute positively to the prosperity, democratic vitality and harmonious evolution of our societies.
Rather than follow and adapt to changes in the world, ULiège seeks to anticipate and prepare for change.  The objective is embedded in its entire community of professors and researchers, administrative staff, students, alumni and immense academic and scientific, socio-economic and cultural, public and governmental network, not only in Liège and its region, but also in Belgium, Europe and throughout the world.

Thinking movement

Knowledge is not solely produced at universities, but they have a responsibility to integrate, evaluate and give knowledge meaning in a collective interest.  Hence, universities increasingly find their role in digital societies, where speed of data creation (the raw materials of knowledge) is accelerating at an impressive rate.  ULiège's mission is to be an integral part of this creative and innovative dynamic and to be a driver and positive contributor to change in our world.

"A university in motion, changing societies."

Ubicación de la empresa

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