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Cities and regions are constantly changing. In recognition of this, 6 educational and research institutions with acknowledged expertise in the fields related to sustainable cities are combining their skills and know-how to create a new type of university of international standing: Université Gustave Eiffel. The outcome of a joint history that began over 20 years ago, since 1 January 2020 this new institution has brought together a university (UPEM), a research institute (IFSTTAR), a school of architecture (Éav&t) and three engineering schools (EIVP, ENSG and ESIEE Paris).
Université Gustave Eiffel is a multidisciplinary university of national importance. It also has the distinction of being the first institution to bring together a research institute, a university, a school of architecture and three engineering schools. By pooling its many strengths in the areas of education and research, Université Gustave Eiffel aims to develop by pursuing a strategy based on complementarity between its founding institutions. By creating better synergies in this way, the university can offer the groups it serves a wider range of expertise. Educating young people, employees or citizens at all levels, providing the whole of society with scientific insights ̶ the ultimate aim of Université Gustave Eiffel is to help raise everyone's level of qualification.
Université Gustave Eiffel is active in many areas of research. In particular, it accounts for a quarter of French research on the cities of tomorrow and brings together multidisciplinary capabilities to conduct quality research for the benefit of society, offer education tailored to the social and economic world and support public policies.
The institution's main remits are:
Université Gustave Eiffel intends to maintain and strengthen the links built up over many years by its founding institutions with its partners from the institutional, academic, social and economic spheres.
Motivated by a powerful international ambition and boasting substantial networks abroad through its founding institutions, Université Gustave Eiffel offers interdisciplinary and intersectoral programmes, bringing together research, innovation and society at different levels: regional, national and global, based on a continuum that extends from education through research to expert appraisals.
Université Gustave Eiffel has several campuses in different parts of France. Its staff and student numbers are low enough for it to preserve close relationships with them and give each individual the attention they deserve. Each of the sites strives to develop campus life in order to offer a pleasant day-to-day living environment.
17,000 students
2,300 staff
Once the grouping of the Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM), the research institute IFSTTAR, the school of architecture (Éav&t) and the three engineering schools (EIVP, ENSG and ESIEE Paris) had been agreed, a name had to be found for the new grouping.
After consultation with the academic community, three names stood out: Sophie Germain (an 18th century mathematician, physicist and philosopher), Fulgence Bienvenüe (an engineer and "the father of the Paris metro") and Gustave Eiffel. It was the last of these names that received the most mentions.
Gustave Eiffel’s body of work in the form of monuments stands for peace. It is still astonishing, inventive, audacious, modern and enduring. As a civil engineer he wanted his bridges and footbridges to connect people. This is the symbol that today best represents the transmission of knowledge and the values of our community of universities.