Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts in Helsinki (TeaK) is a reformer of the performing arts and an attractive research unit. We offer training at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels. The available degree programmes are Lighting and Sound Design, Dance, Choreography, Theatre Pedagogy, Dance Pedagogy, Acting, Directing, Dramaturgy, and Live Art and Performance. In addition to Acting in Finnish, we offer an Acting programme in Swedish.
Theatre Academy was founded in 1979 when the Finnish and Swedish theatre academies merged into a single national and bilingual theatre academy. The Central Library of Theatre and Dance became part of the academy at that time.
The birth of Theatre Academy coincided with major reforms and revolutions within the worlds of academia and the arts in the 1960s and 1970s. Dr Timo Kallinen's book Teatterikorkeakoulun synty tells how Theatre Academy evolved from a polytechnic school to a higher education academy.