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Swedish Defence University

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Swedish Defence University was established as a national university on January 1, 2008, with the right to issue academic degrees. This implies that we can now offer civilian university study programmes to a greater extent than before.

The Swedish Defence University (SEDU), (Försvarshögskolan in Swedish) has existed in its present form since 1997. The College's roots can be traced back as far as the establishment of the Artillery College at Marieberg in Stockholm in the 19th century. Today'sUniversity marks the latest development in a long line of military educational tradition. The University's task is to contribute towards national and international security through research and development. Research is carried out in diverse, but inter-related subject areas and subsequently disseminated to other interested sectors of society both nationally and internationally. The University trains and educates military and civilian personnel in leading positions, both nationally and internationally as part of the contribution to the management of crisis situations and security issues. The training and education at the University is not offered by any other university or college in Sweden for the simple reason that the knowledge and skills found here cannot to be found anywhere else in the country. It is no coincidence that teachers and professors from the Swedish Defence University are often seen in the media as expert commentators on matters of public interest.

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