
Serra Húnter Programme (SHP)

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Barcelona, España
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Objective and organization

The Serra Húnter Programme promotes the hiring of highly qualified faculty members with academic records meeting high-level international standards.

The SHP is part of a new academic staff model that the Government of Catalonia is promoting to reinforce the internationalisation of the Catalan universities, with the ultimate goal of consolidating Catalonia as the knowledge hub of Southern Europe.

Positions are offered in the ranks of full professor, associate professor/senior lecturer, tenure-eligible full professor and tenure-eligible lecturer. Successful candidates will be hired by a Catalan university, and they are expected to cooperate with existing research groups or to develop new lines of research, complementary to those already in place. Salaries will be set according to Catalan university regulations. However, subject to negotiation, a salary supplement may be considered for those candidates with outstanding scientific experience, or start-up grants may be awarded in those cases where it is deemed appropriate.


The Plan is managed by an Academic Director, a professor of recognized prestige, and an Advisory Board composed by prominent academics. Along with the Rectors of the universities, the Academic Director appoints the search committees that select the candidates for the Serra Húnter contracts.

The Academic Director manages and coordinates the Programme, and guarantees its correct implementation. The Academic Director prepares a yearly monitoring report on the evolution of the Programme, which is subsequently submitted to the Catalan Government and to the universities. The Advisory Board advises and undertakes other tasks assigned to it by the Academic Director. The search committees are responsible for selecting the most suitable candidates.


Academic Director

Josep Domingo-Ferrer

Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Sabadell, 1965) is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and an ICREA-Acadèmia Researcher at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Tarragona, Catalonia. Since 1996 he has led the research group CRISES-Security and Privacy at URV. Since 2007, he holds the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy. He received a degree in Computer Science (1988, Outstanding Graduation Award) and a PhD in Computer Science (1991) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He also holds a degree in Mathematics. His research interests are in data privacy, data security, statistical disclosure control and cryptographic protocols. In these areas he has authored 5 patents and over 370 articles in journals, conferences and books. In January 2016 he was elected a Fellow of Institut d’Estudis Catalans. In 2014 he received a Google Faculty Research Award. He has twice won the ICREA Acadèmia Award (2008 and 2013). In 2013 he was made a distinguished professor by URV. In 2012 he was decorated by the Government of Catalonia with the “Narcís Monturiol” Medal to scientific merit. In 2012 he was made an Elected Member of Academia Europaea and of the International Statistical Institute. In 2011 he was elevated to Fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Between 2007 and 2008 he was a co-recipient of four entrepreneurship awards. In 2004, he received the TOYPS’2004 Award from the Junior Chambers of Catalonia. In 2003 he was co-recipient of the Salvà and Campillo research prize, awarded by the Catalan Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Catalonia-ACET.

Advisory Board

Salvador Barberà

Salvador Barberà (Barcelona, 1946) has a PhD in Economics from Northwestern University, holds a chair at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and is Research Professor of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (GSE). He promoted the MOVE research consortium, which he directs since 2009. His research is in the field of Public Economics. It focuses on the design of political and economic mechanisms, with a focus on the incentives that they provide to participants in collective decision making processes. He is a recognised expert in social choice theory, the study of voting methods and constitutional design. He was Secretary General for Scientific and Technological Policy of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (2004-2006) and ICREA’s first director (2000-2004).  Among other awards, he was elected Fellow of the Econometric Society (1988), has received the Narcís Monturiol Medal (2012) and the Pascual Madoz National Research Award in the areas of Economics and Law (2010).

Jaume Bertranpetit

Professor of Biology at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Group Leader of the Evolutionary Biology and Complex Systems Programme, Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, UPF. Promoter of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) (UPF-CSIC). His field of research is the study of different aspects of human genome variation and diversity: human population genetics, molecular evolution, comparative genomics and interaction between human evolutionary biology and other fields, including medicine, genetics of complex disease and statistical genetics, among others. His recent research focuses primarily on the footprint of natural selection in the human genome and the emerging field of evolutionary systems biology and the relationship between the molecular networks and adaptation. He has published more than 320 research papers. Full member of the Institute of Catalan Studies and various international organisations. Director of the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) until 2014. Narcís Monturiol Medal (2015).

Luisa Cabeza 

Professor of Thermal Engineering at the University of Lleida, where she heads the GREA research group. Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from IQS (1992) Industrial Engineering (1993), Master's degree in Industrial Management (1995) and PhD in Industrial Engineering (1996) from Ramon Llull University. Postdoctorate at the Eastern Regional Research Center of Philadelphia (USA). She joined the University of Lleida in 1999. Her research interests are thermal energy storage, energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as buildings and industrial applications. She is very active in several International Energy Agency working groups, a member of the steering committee of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling, and has participated in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources. She is the author of over 240 publications. She has won the Narcís Monturiol Medal (2012) and the ICREA-Acadèmia Award (2012).

Ernest Giralt 

Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Barcelona. He leads a research group at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in Barcelona Science Park, where he is head of the Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Programme. Bachelor's degree in Chemistry (1970) from the University of Barcelona, Diplôme d’études approfondies de Chimie Organique (1974) from the University of Montpellier and PhD in Chemistry (1974) from the University of Barcelona. Professor at the University of Barcelona since 1986. In 1990 he was visiting professor at the University of California, San Diego, and associate researcher at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego. He conducts research in peptide synthesis and structure determination with a view to possible therapeutic uses. He is the author of 325 articles, ten patents, review articles and three books. Among others, he has won the Narcís Monturiol Medal (1992), the Leonidas Zervas Award (1994) the Government of Catalonia Distinction for Research (2001), the NMR Prize, GRMN from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (2002) and the National Research Award and Medal from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (2003). 

Antonio Huerta 

Professor of Applied Mathematics at Pompeu Fabra University and director of the ICREA. Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) (1983). PhD from Northwestern University (1987). His research interests are computational methods in applied sciences and engineering, finite elements, non-linear computational mechanics, fluid flows, convection-diffusion, error estimation and adaptivity and reduced order models. He has been director of the UPC Department of Applied Mathematics III and director of the UPC School of Civil Engineering. He has been visiting professor at Northwestern University, Swansea University, the École Centrale de Nantes, the Joint Research Centre of the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) and the Institut Universitaire de France. He has won the Prandtl Medal and the A. Thomas Jaeger Prize and is a fellow of the International Association of Computational Mechanics. 

Genoveva Martí

Genoveva Martí (Barcelona, 1956) has a PhD in Philosophy from Stanford University. She is currently a, ICREA research professor in the Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (UB). She is the coordinator of the LOGOS (Logic, Language and Cognition) research group. She has taught at the University of Washington (Seattle), the University of California (Riverside) and at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research activity revolves around the philosophical reflection on the relationship between words and things, a relation that makes it possible to talk about the world, represent it and transmit information.

Nuria Sebastián Gallés

Professor of Psychology at the UPF and vice president of the European Research Council. PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Barcelona (1986). Postdoctorate from the Max Planck Institute and the Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Tenured professor (1988) and full professor (2002) at the University of Barcelona. In 2009 she joined Pompeu Fabra University. Her research examines the learning and language processing, with a special emphasis on bilingual populations. She has been a visiting researcher at several centres, including the IRCS at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London and the University of Chicago. She was coordinator of the Consolider Ingenio 2010 "Brainglot” consortium. She recently obtained an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (Under Control Project). She heads the Speech Perception and Acquisition Group (SAP) at the UPF Center for Brain and Cognition. She has published over 90 articles in international journals. She has twice won the ICREA-Acadèmia Award (2008 and 2013). In 2012, she was awarded the Narcís Monturiol Medal. 

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