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School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg - HEIA-FR

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Sobre el empleador


The School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg enjoys a privileged location in Switzerland:

  • at the junction of languages and cultures
  • on an important axis of communication
  • in the heart of a university town

With more than 110 years of experience, the School of Engineering and Architecture’s task is to train engineers and architects. It currently hosts approximately 1000 students distributed among eight professional college degree programs. It offers the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in civil engineering, chemistry, computer science, telecommunications, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering
  • Bachelor of Arts in architecture
  • Technical college degree in construction management issued by the Technical School of Construction, affiliated with the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg
  • MSE: Master of Science in Engineering
  • MSLS: Master of Science in Life Sciences
  • MIT: Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
  • Joint Master of Architecture

The School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg offers a practice-based education and the opportunity to take bilingual classes (French/German). Numerous possibilities for continuing education, adapted to the demands of the market, are also offered. For further information see: www.eia-fr.ch/formation-continue The School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg promotes the mobility of its students and teachers as well as the development of international relations, especially with educational institutions and businesses from the European Union and beyond (France, Germany, Italy, Canada, China…).

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