
NAWA Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange

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The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) was officially inaugu­rated on 1 October 2017. The Agency works towards the internationalization of Polish science by supporting and stimulating international research collaboration and academic exchange. In this context NAWA completed the system formed by two other agencies in Poland: the National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development.

NAWA mission

Enhancing the potential of Polish science and higher education through international exchange and cooperation

Aims of NAWA

  • Reinforcing the scientific excellence
  • Internationalising Polish universities and scientific institutions
  • Promoting Poland as a country offering interesting educational and research opportunities
  • Promoting the Polish language and culture

NAWA works towards internationalization of Polish science by supporting and stimulating international research collaboration and academic exchange. Agency aims to reinforce the scientific excellence, internationalize Polish universities and scientific institutions and also to promote Poland and its language and culture to build the brand of the country with interesting educational and research opportunities. Those objectives are to be achieved through a wide range of Agency’s programmes:

Programmes for Scientists

Programmes for Institutions

Programmes for Students

Polish Language Programmes

For more information about NAWA please visit: www.nawa.gov.pl/en

Ubicación de la empresa

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