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KIMEP University

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Sobre el empleador

KIMEP University is devoted to the development of well-educated citizens and future leaders, who are passionate about bringing positive change and improving the quality of life in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region.

KIMEP University offers its students excellence in teaching, learning, community service and the advancement of knowledge in the fields of business administration and social sciences. KIMEP University’s world-class curriculum is based on international standards, and all the classes are taught in English.  All programs are internationally accredited and are consistently rated by the Kazakhstani Ministry of Education as the first in their class. KIMEP’s MBA and Executive MBA programs have received a high-level recognition by business and legal communities of Kazakhstan. 

Utilizing a strong support system that features a first-rate Language Center, the largest English-language library in the CIS, a modern Sports Center and much more, KIMEP University strives to provide an invaluable academic experience for all its students and faculty.

KIMEP University is the leading independent North American-styled academic institution in the CIS with an outstanding reputation throughout Kazakhstan and the region.  It has active links to the business community, and a large number of partnerships with esteemed international universities in North America, Europe and Asia.

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