
IE University

Varios lugares Segovia, España
Madrid, España
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Sobre el empleador

IE University is an institution of higher learning that specializes in training impactful leaders capable of creating a better tomorrow. As restless entrepreneurs, we always seek out new ways to innovate in order to provide the most up-to-date education imaginable. This is reflected in our dynamic ecosystem, which comprises an extensive, top-tier global network, world-class virtual and on-campus facilities, an inspirational faculty and prestigious institutional partnerships. Our innovative mix of diverse, visionary minds regularly sparks new ideas, offering creative solutions to tomorrow’s problems across all our subject areas. We are an institution of impact. We aim for nothing less.


IE University streamlines related subject areas to guide you towards the program that’s right for you. We give you the power to control your own journey according to your unique goals.

After deciding which area to take, you’ll be in a better position to define your individual professional trajectory. Guided by a world-class faculty and surrounded by other innovative minds, you’ll have the freedom to explore as you discover your own destination.

There’s no single path—there’s only the right path for you. Which one will you take?


Gain the tools to succeed in today’s globalized world as a forward-looking business professional. Our changing global context offers as many opportunities as it does challenges, and it takes a holistic skill set to effectively leverage trends, technologies and strategies to produce results. Empower those around you and minimize risk to navigate the stormy waters of today’s complex reality.



Traditional approaches to management, economics and finance have been transformed in the wake of unprecedented globalization. This pathway provides professionals with the necessary tools and in-depth insights to respond to the current context and predict the shape it will take. Become a strategic player in any cross-border deal or transformation initiative.



We are more interconnected than ever before—and yet it's increasingly difficult to be heard above the noise. This pathway specializes in strengthening relationships between individuals and organizations through effective communication. Following dynamic, cutting-edge approaches, students discover how to understand people’s motivations and positively influence customer behavior.



Advancements in tech and data have toppled many Fortune 500 companies. To ensure success, companies are increasingly reliant on creative and innovative tech professionals experienced in data science, AI, machine learning, blockchain and robotics. Through hands-on practice and industry partnerships, this pathway trains professionals to impact any post-transformation business.



With globalization transforming every aspect of our world, from geopolitical trends to socioeconomic practices, traditional approaches to law or international affairs are no longer sufficient. This pathway cuts through the intersection of the public, private and legal sectors to provide holistic, tech-centered skills for global professionals.



We experience the power of design on a daily basis. And as our urban environments and online behaviors continue to evolve, the influence of design on our lives becomes increasingly important. In this pathway, students explore the entire design process—from inception to implementation—to produce innovative solutions to modern problems that have profitable outcomes.



Professionals across all roles and sectors need to reskill and upskill in order to adapt to recent technological innovations. This pathway trains the leaders of this skills transformation, providing them with tools for strategic decision-making and to inspire change. Whether as a HR professional or in another leadership position, you will unlock individual potential to produce results.


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