
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

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Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences offers degree programs in engineering, economics and computer science. These programs are divided among the following six faculties: Architecture and Construction Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Geomatics, Computer Science and Business Information Systems, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, as well as Management Science and Engineering. Alongside teaching, research plays a vital role at the university. It is one of its core competencies and is seen as an important part of its profile. Continuing scientific education also occupies an important position and allows the University to fulfil its legal mandate. The campus is located within walking distance from the city center, directly on the edge of a forest, the Hardtwald. The extension of the degree programs and thus of the university buildings – also in light of the fact that in 2012 double the number of students are expected to graduate from secondary school in Germany – made it necessary to include outpost buildings. These are located on Daimlerstraße, Amalienstraße and Hertzstraße.

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