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The ENIGMA ITN (European training Network for in situ imaGing of dynaMic processes in heterogeneous subsurfAce environments) aims at training a new generation of young researchers in the development of innovative methods for imaging process dynamics in subsurface hydrosystems, in order to enhance understanding and predictive modelling capacities and to transfer these innovations to the economic sector.

Scientific and technological objectives

  • Scientific objective 1: design novel in situ experimental strategies for quantifying subsurface process dynamics by coupling innovative experimental methods and inverse modelling approaches
  • Scientific objective 2: explore in-situ flow, transport and reaction processes to address current open scientific questions based on highly instrumented experimental sites where the new results, data and open source codes will be made available to academia and industry through a common on-line database
  • Technological objective 1: develop and validate innovative environmental sensing techniques with the required sensitivity, as well as spatial and temporal resolution to monitor dynamic processes
  • Technological objective 2: transfer the obtained knowledge of process dynamics in heterogeneous porous and fractured media to operational models for predicting the evolution of subsurface environments.

ENIGMA will train a new generation of young researchers in the development of innovative methods for imaging process dynamics in subsurface hydrosystems, in order to enhance understanding and predictive modelling capacities and transfer these innovations to the economic sector. 

The term imaging refers herein to the spatial representation of subsurface heterogeneity, fluxes, chemical reactions and microbial activity, through the integration of data and approaches from geophysics, hydrology, soil physics, and biochemistry.

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