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The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), Australia's tropical marine research agency, is recognised internationally for its leadership in research into tropical marine environments and their living aquatic resources. Our mission is to generate and transfer knowledge to support the protection and sustainable use of the marine environment through innovative, world-class scientific and technological research.
AIMS' research is targeted towards priorities of Commonwealth and State Governments and industry. The Institute's research programs continue to:
To ensure that the outputs of its research are transferred to users and have the required impact, AIMS actively engages with Government (Ministers, policy makers, resource managers and environmental regulators), private industry sectors (ports, oil and gas, mining, tourism, services), non-government organisations, scientific peers and the Australian public. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBvBQJaRKjs AIMS was established in 1972 near Townsville, in recognition of the importance of the GBR to Australia. Today AIMS also operates from bases in Perth and Darwin to support our research across northern Australia, spanning two oceans and three regional seas.