1 jobs from MetacMed

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Varios lugares Università della Calabria: Via Pietro Bucci Arcavacata, Italia
Generała Józefa Fiszera 14 Gdansk, Polonia
Piazza Pugliatti, 1 Mesina, Italia
IEMN: Cité Scientifique Avenue Henri Poincaré Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Francia
University of Leeds Leeds, Reino Unido
Gibbet Hill Rd Coventry, Reino Unido
Ueberlandstrasse 129 Dübendorf, Suiza
Switzerland Innovation Park, Place des Sciences 2 Courroux, Suiza

12 PhD positions - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidates within the “MetacMed - Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications” Doctoral Network

MetacMed is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) that will provide world-class interdisciplinary training to 12 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in the area of “Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harve...

Publicado hace 2 meses
Descubrir trabajos relacionados: trabajos en Ingeniería de Materiales en MetacMed
Varios lugares Università della Calabria: Via Pietro Bucci Arcavacata, Italia
Generała Józefa Fiszera 14 Gdansk, Polonia
Piazza Pugliatti, 1 Mesina, Italia
IEMN: Cité Scientifique Avenue Henri Poincaré Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Francia
University of Leeds Leeds, Reino Unido
Gibbet Hill Rd Coventry, Reino Unido
Ueberlandstrasse 129 Dübendorf, Suiza
Switzerland Innovation Park, Place des Sciences 2 Courroux, Suiza

12 PhD positions - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidates within the “MetacMed - Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications” Doctoral Network

MetacMed is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) that will provide world-class interdisciplinary training to 12 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in the area of “Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harve...

Publicado hace 2 meses
Descubrir trabajos relacionados: trabajos en Tecnología Energética en MetacMed
Varios lugares Università della Calabria: Via Pietro Bucci Arcavacata, Italia
Generała Józefa Fiszera 14 Gdansk, Polonia
Piazza Pugliatti, 1 Mesina, Italia
IEMN: Cité Scientifique Avenue Henri Poincaré Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Francia
University of Leeds Leeds, Reino Unido
Gibbet Hill Rd Coventry, Reino Unido
Ueberlandstrasse 129 Dübendorf, Suiza
Switzerland Innovation Park, Place des Sciences 2 Courroux, Suiza

12 PhD positions - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidates within the “MetacMed - Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications” Doctoral Network

MetacMed is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) that will provide world-class interdisciplinary training to 12 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in the area of “Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harve...

Publicado hace 2 meses
Descubrir trabajos relacionados: trabajos en Ingeniería Biomédica en MetacMed
Varios lugares Università della Calabria: Via Pietro Bucci Arcavacata, Italia
Generała Józefa Fiszera 14 Gdansk, Polonia
Piazza Pugliatti, 1 Mesina, Italia
IEMN: Cité Scientifique Avenue Henri Poincaré Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Francia
University of Leeds Leeds, Reino Unido
Gibbet Hill Rd Coventry, Reino Unido
Ueberlandstrasse 129 Dübendorf, Suiza
Switzerland Innovation Park, Place des Sciences 2 Courroux, Suiza

12 PhD positions - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidates within the “MetacMed - Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications” Doctoral Network

MetacMed is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) that will provide world-class interdisciplinary training to 12 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in the area of “Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harve...

Publicado hace 2 meses
Descubrir trabajos relacionados: Doctorado positions from MetacMed
Varios lugares Università della Calabria: Via Pietro Bucci Arcavacata, Italia
Generała Józefa Fiszera 14 Gdansk, Polonia
Piazza Pugliatti, 1 Mesina, Italia
IEMN: Cité Scientifique Avenue Henri Poincaré Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Francia
University of Leeds Leeds, Reino Unido
Gibbet Hill Rd Coventry, Reino Unido
Ueberlandstrasse 129 Dübendorf, Suiza
Switzerland Innovation Park, Place des Sciences 2 Courroux, Suiza

12 PhD positions - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidates within the “MetacMed - Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications” Doctoral Network

MetacMed is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) that will provide world-class interdisciplinary training to 12 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in the area of “Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harve...

Publicado hace 2 meses