
FH Mainz - University of Applied Sciences

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Short periods of study, international courses and practical orientation – these are the characteristics of the University of Applied Sciences Mainz, at which approximately 4400 students are currently studying. The common feature of all fields of study is the application orientation of the university, which has excellent contacts to the regional economy and public institutions. By always keeping practical aspects in mind and by the constant innovative adaption of the study programme contents to the requirements of the labour market, the University of Applied Sciences Mainz offers attractive future-oriented education with promising professional prospects. A wide variety of study programmes is offered, divided into the three following faculties:

  • School of Technology
  • School of Design
  • School of Business

By integrating the Bachelor – Master structure into the study programmes, the University of Applied Sciences Mainz has made international comparability of its university degrees possible and is from now on an integral part of the new “European Higher Education Area”. In addition, the establishment of seven independent institutes over the last few years has enhanced the area of applied sciences and development. The University of Applied Sciences Mainz attaches great importance to being close to the students. The good relationship between students and professors is promoted by intensive guidance and support, small learning groups and a number of joint projects. Furthermore, we also endeavour to support our students in other areas of life. The network of childminders set up by the University of Applied Sciences provides students with inexpensive and flexible childcare, making us the sixth university nationwide with the certificate “family-oriented university”.

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