University of Sao Paulo (USP)

FAPESP Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity in Urban Planning

2024-07-31 (America/Sao Paulo)
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Application deadline: July 31st, 2024

An international call for a post-doctoral research fellowship is open, linked to the research project "Elaboration of an instrument to support and promote the development of neighborhood plans in the city of São Paulo", supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). The research project is established at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (EPUSP), in São Paulo, Brazil, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Karin Regina de Castro Marins (EPUSP). Approved in the so-called FAPESP PPPP - Public Policy Research Program, it is being developed close to the São Paulo Municipal Secretary of Urbanism and Licensing and in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAUUSP) and the Center for Metropolis Studies (CEM USP). Associated researchers are professors Dr. Mariana Giannotti (EPUSP/PTR), Dr. Paula Santoro (FAUUSP/AUP) and Dr. Denise Duarte (FAUUSP/AUT).

A - The academic institution and the research project

The Polytechnic School ( – EPUSP - is an institution with more than 100 years of history, and has been part of the University of São Paulo since 1934. It is a national reference and considered the most complete college of engineering in Latin America. Among its areas of teaching, research and extension, the School operates in the specialty “Urban Planning and Engineering”, which involves the theoretical and practical approach to problems and solutions focused on urban issues, especially the Brazilian ones.

The postdoctoral project is part of a research project (Process number 2023/10015-7) approved by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) in the Public Policy Research Program (PPPP). The research project is coordinated by professor Karin Regina de Castro Marins and will be developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of USP (FAU USP), the Center for Metropolis Studies of USP (CEM USP) and in partnership with the Municipal Secretariat of Licensing and Urban Planning of the Municipality of São Paulo (SMUL), this so-called Partner Institution.

The research group coordinated by Prof. Karin Regina de Castro Marins (, Research ID E-1794-2014, ORCID 0000-0003-0061-1322), at EPUSP, has worked on interdisciplinary themes related to the urban microscale, especially in research projects related to urban planning methods and instruments, urban sustainability, urban development assessment at the scale of neighborhoods and urban development perimeters, urban morphology, urban mobility, urban energy systems, and intersectoral analyses.

The Public Policy Research Program (PPPP) is intended to address research projects to support decision-making or execution focused on governance and public management, through partnerships between public managers and researchers, including, preferably and whenever possible, representatives of civil society and the target audience of the analyzed policies. The PPPP aims to support scientific research projects to produce and/or systematize knowledge relevant to the formulation, review, redesign, improvement, analysis, monitoring or implementation of public policies (

B - Summary of the work to be developed

The objective of the post-doctoral research project is to develop a guiding model for developing neighborhood plans in the city of São Paulo. It is entitled as “Elaboration of a conceptual and methodological model for guidance and development of neighborhood plans in the city of São Paulo”. A scientific and practical reference base for neighborhood planning must be developed and consolidated, with concepts and methods applicable to this context, and a regulatory framework adherent to urban planning and management processes, in the municipality of São Paulo. Parameters and procedures applicable to the development of neighborhood plans will be defined and detailed, including those related to participatory activities. Writing and publication of related scientific articles are expected. The postdoctoral fellow will also assist in the preparation of the questionnaires provided for in the research, write draft technical notes, structure presentations for the Partner Institution, support the preparation of scientific reports for FAPESP, as well as work on writing and consolidating the draft guidance document for planning of neighborhoods in the city of São Paulo and articles for submission to scientific journals and events.

C - Requirements

  1. The opportunity is open to Brazilian and foreign candidates.
  2. It is desirable that the candidate holds a doctorate degree in urban planning or related areas;
  3. The candidate must have a doctorate degree or equivalent (PhD), obtained in the last seven years.
  4. The candidate must meet all FAPESP requirements to take advantage of the post-doctoral fellowship (
  5. The fellowship presupposes exclusive dedication to the research project. The fellowship holder cannot have an employment relationship, nor may he/she receive, during the entire duration of the fellowship, a fellowship from another entity, salary or remuneration resulting from the exercise of activities of any nature. In exceptional and justified conditions, defined in Ordinance PR No. 05/2012 (, FAPESP may grant authorization to carry out activities that contribute to the development of the research project.

D - Fellowship conditions

  1. The selected candidate will be awarded a fellowship worth R$ 9.318,90 per month and technical reserve resources of 10% of the annual value of the fellowship. The use of the technical reserve is regulated by FAPESP. For more information, visit (
  2. The fellowship also includes installation assistance for researchers who will need to move to São Paulo. If necessary, this financial support may be requested at the end of the selection process (
  3. For more details about the postdoctoral fellowship, visit: Research must begin after FAPESP completes the approval process.
  4. 01 fellowship holder will be selected.
  5. The postdoctoral research project will take up to 21 months. 
  6. The fellowship holder will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Karin Regina de Castro Marins.

E - Documents for application

  1. Curriculum Vitae;
  2. MyResearcherID and/or MyCitation (Google Scholar);
  3. List of publications;
  4. Undergraduate official transcript;
  5. Postgraduate official transcript(s);
  6. Copy of Doctorate (PhD.) diploma;
  7. At least one letter of recommendation, issued by a professor, supervisor or professional with whom the candidate developed academic/professional activities. It must be stated the issuer’s email and telephone contact details;
  8. Full updated CV Lattes (, for Brazilian candidates.

F - Contact and application deadline

To apply, candidates must send the required documentation by email ( with the subject “PPPP Project – PD Fellowship” by July 31st, 2024.

G - Recruitment process

Candidates will be selected in two stages. The first will consist of evaluating the candidate's CV, publications, profile and trajectory. The second will consist of an interview, which will be carried out via an online platform and scheduled by email with candidates approved in the first phase.

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FAPESP Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity in Urban Planning
State of São Paulo São Paulo, Brasil
Fecha límite de aplicación
2024-07-31 23:59 (America/Sao Paulo)
2024-08-01 04:59 (CET)
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