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University of Jyväskylä

JYU Visiting Fellow Programme 2025

2024-12-30 (Europe/Helsinki)
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JYU Visiting Fellow Programme 2025

The University of Jyväskylä (JYU), Finland, invites applications for the JYU Visiting Fellow Programme. The programme supports researchers with a doctoral degree, who are from outside Finland, to visit JYU for one (30 days) to three months (90 days) in 2025. The visiting period may start earliest in February 2025 and should end latest on December 31, 2025. The Visiting Fellow grant must be used during the year 2025 and it cannot be postponed to subsequent years.

The aim of the JYU Visiting Fellow Programme is to support high-quality research, strengthen University’s global engagement and strategic collaboration with international partners. The main emphasis of the programme is in research collaboration, but the Visiting Fellows may also participate in some educational activities at JYU.

Who can apply

The JYU Visiting Fellow Programme is intended for researchers with a doctoral degree (the degree must be granted before the start of the visit), who are based outside of Finland and will be hosted by one or more researchers in some JYU unit, i.e. the faculty, department or independent institute at JYU. The applicant should have an excellent track record in conducting and publishing scientific research and establishing international networks and be able to work fluently in English.

The applicant is expected to contact a potential host at one of the units (e.g. faculties or departments) of JYU before submitting the application for both to commit to collaboration and define joint research themes. A Visiting Fellow may be invited by a researcher with a permanent or a fixed-term contract as well as a grant researcher who works at JYU during the whole stay of the Visiting Fellow. A JYU researcher cannot invite and host more than one Visiting Fellow in 2025. An invitation letter from the JYU host is required for the application. Without this, the application will not be considered. Both the applicant and the host must be committed to the schedule and objectives of the planned visit and shall inform the host unit of the visit and its schedule. By committing to hosting the Visiting Fellow, the JYU host also commits to preparing a brief report (prepared together with the Visiting Fellow) of the outcomes and impact of the visit. The report is to be sent to the Research Council within 3 months after the end of the visit.

The collaboration may be, for example

  • Research in the context of a joint project, including the preparation of research articles and papers
  • Research conducted at a laboratory, in the field or utilizing research data or other infrastructure of the host at JYU
  • Preparation of future research plans and funding applications

What the JYU Visiting Fellow Programme offers

A Visiting Fellow is paid a grant for a period of one (30 days) to three months (90 days) in 2025. If necessary, the visit may be split into two periods. The amount of the grant depends on the career stage of the Visiting Fellow:

  • 3.000 euros/month for Postdoctoral Researchers
  • 4.500 euros/month for Associate Professors (or equivalent)
  • 5.500 euros/month for Professors (or equivalent)

The grant is intended to cover costs related to the visit at JYU such as travel expenses to and from Jyväskylä and accommodation expenses in the University’s guest apartments or in a flat from the open housing market. Thus, travel and accommodation costs are not reimbursed separately. We kindly ask the Visiting Fellows to make travel and accommodation arrangements by themselves. Please note that the Visiting Fellows do not have an employment relationship with JYU.

A Visiting Fellow will be part of our international and multidisciplinary university community focusing on high-level teaching, learning, research, and innovation. JYU has a lively academic community, consisting of over 1 600 researchers, and a versatile research infrastructure. To find more information about JYU, the City of Jyväskylä and living in Finland, please see our research website and International Staff Guide.

How to apply

Before applying, contact directly a JYU researcher, who will act as a host during your stay at JYU. Please note that we do not facilitate finding a suitable host. To apply, please fill in the online application form and submit it along with the attachments by 30.12.2024 at 23.59 (Europe/Helsinki).

Obligatory attachments

  • Curriculum Vitae, including personal ORCID id, composed according to good scientific practice and, where possible, considering the template for researcher´s curriculum vitae by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity.
  • Free-form invitation letter from your JYU host (for example, an e-mail exchange), which should include the following information: the name, title and home organisation (organisation, country) of the person invited, the JYU host’s name and unit, planned dates and objectives of the visit as well as commitment for hosting. 
  • List of publications indicating up to the 5 most relevant publications for the research plan.
  • Brief research plan (2 to 3 pages) clarifying the objectives of the visit, including a description of the potential benefits to the host unit. If you have received a JYU Visiting Fellowship in a previous call, describe the added significance of the new research visit and its possible connection to the completed visit or the differences between the visits.

Selection process and selection criteria

The Research Council of JYU evaluates the applications. The Vice Rector responsible for research makes the funding decision taking into account the views of the Research Council and the resources available. Decision-making follows the principles of responsible assessment of research and researchers (see for more information).

Applications will be evaluated based on the following selection criteria:

  • Scientific quality and feasibility of the research plan and its connection to the research interests of the host unit.
  • Applicant’s merits.
  • Potential benefits of the research visit and the impact of the research outputs for the host unit and in general.

Special terms

Applications from researchers already conducting research at JYU will not be considered.

JYU is obligated to comply with sanction and export control legislation.

Visiting Fellows are committed to follow the ethical principles and other principles of JYU.

JYU reserves the right to cancel the grant if the Visiting Fellow is found to have committed a violation of the JYUs Code of Conduct the JYU Code of Conductor or other principles.

Funding decisions

The decisions of the Visiting Fellow Programme will be announced by the end of January 2025. Applicants will receive an email notification after the funding decision has been made.

More information

Senior Specialist Timo Taskinen, research-council@jyu.fi, Tel. +358 400 648 504

Senior Specialist Anne Lyytinen, research-council@jyu.fi, Tel. +358 40 805 3906

University of Jyväskylä

The University of Jyväskylä is a human-centred environment of 2,500 experts and 14,500 students. Our goal is to create wisdom and wellbeing for us all. It is essential that each member of the community thrives and has opportunities to develop and grow. We cherish openness of thinking as well as the balance between research and education. Our naturally beautiful campus is located at the heart of the city of Jyväskylä. JYU is the third largest employer in Central Finland.

Location: Seminaarinkatu 15

Information for the applicant

The application form cannot be saved as a draft. However, after submitting you can return to edit your application via the link you receive by email. The application can be edited until the application deadline.

You have 6 hours to complete your application before the timeout.


JYU Visiting Fellow Programme 2025
Seminaarinkatu 15 Jyväskylä, Finlandia
Fecha límite de aplicación
2024-12-30 23:59 (Europe/Helsinki)
2024-12-30 22:59 (CET)
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Psicología Deportiva, Democracia Comparativa, Política Comparada, Proceso de Conflicto, Federalismo y Relaciones Intergubernamentales, Política Exterior, Fundamentos de la Teoría Política, Política y Póliza de la Salud, Derechos Humanos, Tecnología y Política de la Información, Historia y Política Internacional, Relaciones Internacionales, Seguridad Internacional y Control de Armas, Estudios Legislativos, Política Nacional, Comunicación Política, Economía Política, Metodología Política, Redes Políticas, Organizaciones y Partidos Políticos, Psicología Política, Educación de Ciencias Políticas, Teoría Política, Política, Historia y Política, Política, Literatura y Cine, Administración Pública, Política Pública, Raza, Etnia y Política, Representación y Sistemas Electorales, Ciencia, Tecnología y Política Ambiental, Política Estatal, Política Urbana, Investigación sobre Política y las Mujeres, Física de Aceleradores, Acústica, Física Aplicada, Física Atómica, Molecular y Óptica, Biofísica, Física Química, Física Computacional, Física de la Materia Condensada, Criogenia, Electromagnetismo, Física Experimental, Dinámica de Fluidos, Mecánica de Fluidos, Geofísica, Física del Láser, Física de Materiales, Física Matemática, Física Médica, Física Molecular, Física Nuclear, Óptica, Física de Partículas, Fotónica, Física del Plasma, Física Cuántica, Solid-state Physics, Física Teórica, Termodinámica, Dinámica de Vehículos, Medicina de la Adicción, Alergología, Anatomía, Andrología, Anestesiología, Audiología, Bacteriología, Bariatría, Biomedicina, Cardiología, Ciencias Clínicas, Odontología, Dermatología, Medicina de Catástrofes, Medicina de Urgencias, Endocrinología, Epidemiología, Ciencia Forense, Gatroenterología, Geriatría, Gerontología, Ciencias de la Salud, Hematología, Hepatología, Inmunología, Implantología, Enfermedades Infecciosas, Medicina Interna (Medicina General), Medicina Internacional y Humanitaria, Logopedia, Imagen Médica, Administración Médica, Tecnología 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Fotoquímica, Química Física, Fitoquímica, Química de Polímeros, Radioquímica, Química del Estado Sólido, Espectroscopía, Química de Superficies, Síntesis Química, Química Teórica, Termoquímica, Contabilidad, Economía Conductual, Administración de Negocios, Administración de Empresas, Ética de los Negocios, Economía Computacional, Economía del Consumidor, Control de Gestión, Finanzas Corporativas, Economía del Desarrollo, Econometría, Geografía Económica, Historia Económica, Psicología Económica, Sociología Económica, Economía Energética, Iniciativa Empresarial, Economía Medioambiental, Financiar, Economía Financiera, Economía Alementaria, Teoría del Juego, Economía de la Salud, Teoría del Desarrollo Humano, Gestione delle Risorse Umane, Economía Industrial, Sistemas de Información, Trabajo Internacional y Comparativo, Economía Internacional, Economía Laboral, Logística, Macroeconomía, Dirección de Empresas, Producción, Marketing, Economía Matemática, Microeconomía, Economía de las 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Micología, Nanobiología, Neurociencia, Paleobiología, Parasitología, Fisiología, Biología Estructural, Taxonomía, Biología de Sistemas, Virología, Zoología
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