University of Cologne

Postdoc position in molecular biology/ cellular microbiology

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The newly established Ernst lab at the University of Cologne ( is looking to hire a postdoc to study the intersection of host metabolism and cell autonomous immunity in persistent bacterial infections. 

This is a 3-year, third party-funded position (TVL E13) with a flexible start date. The ideal candidate will have obtained a PhD thesis in molecular biology, microbiology or related field and will have gained significant experience in genomics (including bioinformatic analysis), genetic pertubations of eukaryotic cells (CRISPR, CRISPRi, siRNA) and host pathogen interactions to establish single cell RNAseq and conduct mechanistic and pharmacological studies. Experience with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is a plus. Computational biologists with previous experience in bacterial genomics and host pathogen interactions are also encouraged to apply to the position. 

Please send an email, with a letter of interest and a CV, for more information and to apply for the positions.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Ernst
University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene
TRIO Research Building
Robert-Koch-Str. 21
50931 Cologne

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Postdoc position in molecular biology/ cellular microbiology
Albertus Magnus Platz Colonia, Alemania
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