University of Basel

PhD position on novel mRNA nanotherapeutics against antibiotic-resistant pulmonary infections (P2405)

2024-09-19 (Europe/Zurich)
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University of Basel ranks among the world’s one hundred best universities and boast a top-ten place among German-speaking universities.

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The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel invites highly motivated scientists to apply for the SNI PhD program in Nanoscience.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health concern. In recent decades, pan-resistant bacteria have emerged, rendering commonly available antibiotics ineffective. Consequently, many pivotal advancements in modern medicine are now under threat. As the development of new antimicrobials stagnates, there is an urgent need for alternative strategies to identify clinically effective treatments. In this project, we aim to develop a novel strategy for the treatment of antibiotic-resistant pulmonary infections via taking advantage of nanoparticle and mRNA technologies. mRNA technology has gained significant attention in various therapeutic areas, particularly in the development of vaccines for COVID-19. However, the potential of mRNA therapies against antimicrobial resistance has not yet been explored. With this project, we aim to bring the mRNA therapeutics beyond the current state-of-the-art.
We expect candidates to have a relevant background in biology, chemistry, nanosciences, or a similar field (Master's degree required). Prior experience in at least one of the followings is a must: microbiology (growth curves, inhibition assays,etc.), molecular biology (mRNA transfection, mammalian cell culture, etc.), nanoformulation development (lipid nanoparticles, polymer nanoparticles, liposomes, etc.). Over the course of the project, the candidate will acquire a wide range of skills in nanoformulation development, mRNA delivery, transfection, microbial and mammalian cell cultures

We are looking for a PhD student for a joint research activity between Biointerfaces Group at the University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northwestern Switzerland (, Infection Biology Group at the University of Basel (, and the Nanopharmaceutical and Regulatory Science Group at the University of Basel

The student will become a member of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) PhD school and will benefit from personal support, a strongly interdisciplinary social environment, training in soft skills offered by the PhD program, and many internal SNI events.
Application / Contact

More information and the online application platform can be found at For questions please contact the head of the SNI PhD programme, Dr. Andreas Baumgartner (, or directly the project leaders. The application has to be completed before 31 December 2024. Please note that the decision to fill the vacancy can be taken at any time from now.


PhD position on novel mRNA nanotherapeutics against antibiotic-resistant pulmonary infections (P2405)
Petersplatz 1 Basilea, Suiza
Fecha límite de aplicación
2024-09-19 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)
2024-09-19 23:59 (CET)
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University of Basel ranks among the world’s one hundred best universities and boast a top-ten place among German-speaking universities.

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