University of Hamburg

Research Associate in eco-evolutionary modelling § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

2024-09-30 (Europe/Berlin)
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We offer a new PhD position at Universität Hamburg (3 years) on the role of acclimation, dispersal, and establishment on shifting diversity patterns of non-vascular vegetation under climate change, using a process-based modelling approach.

Application deadline: 30.09.2024

Non-vascular vegetation, such as mosses and lichens, are key organisms for ecosystem functioning in many regions of the world, but they are seldom represented in process-based dynamic vegetation models (DGMVs) that are used for prediction of future vegetation patterns and functions at global scale. In particular, processes that may limit range shifts under climate change, such as dispersal and establishment, or mechanisms of acclimation to altered climate at the individual level, are missing in DGVMs.

The aim of this project is to estimate how these potentially limiting processes affect future distribution patterns of mosses and lichens, focusing on their functional diversity and the associated ecosystem functions. To this end, an established DGVM of mosses and lichens will be extended by mechanisms of dispersal, establishment and acclimation and evaluated by means of laboratory and small-scale field experiments.

The findings will not only provide new insights into the responses of mosses and lichens to climate change, but will also add new perspectives on the general advancement of DGVMs.

Hamburg is one of Germany's largest cities with a rich cultural life, and home to several top research institutions, such as Universität Hamburg, which is part of Germany's initiative of excellence. We offer an interesting scope of work in an active and stimulating research environment, addressing relevant issues at the interface of natural sciences and society.

For more information and to apply visit:


Research Associate in eco-evolutionary modelling § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG
Mittelweg 177 Hamburgo, Alemania
Fecha límite de aplicación
2024-09-30 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)
2024-09-30 23:59 (CET)
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