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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

ASARI: Postdoc in Modeling and simulation of greenhouses

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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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The water and energy program of the African Sustainable Agriculture Research Institute (ASARI) at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Laayoune) is seeking motivated and talented postdoctoral researcher in modeling, simulation and design of agricultural greenhouses. The position is open to individuals who hold a PhD in agronomy, thermal engineering, process engineering or a closely related field. The successful candidate will simulate, design, and optimize microclimate control techniques inside greenhouses.

Location: Laayoune (ASARI), Morocco.

Duration: The position is available for one year and can be extended to a second year (CDD).

Key duties:

The successful candidate is expected to:

  • Model and simulate thermal-fluid behavior inside a greenhouse.
  • Conduct parametric and optimization studies to assess the impact of various parameters on the thermal performance of a greenhouse.
  • Contribute to the design and construction of pilot scale greenhouse with industrial partners.
  • Sensor installation; monitoring and data analysis.
  • Take responsibility for delivering high-quality and timely scientific results, according to the planning of research projects.
  • Publish research work in high-impact scientific publications.
  • Prepare technical reports and presentations.

Criteria of the candidate:

To be considered for this role, you will ideally have:

  • Master/Engineering degree and a PhD in Thermal/Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Agronomy, or related fields.
  • Excellent knowledge of chemical engineering fundamentals (fluid flow, heat & mass transfer) and greenhouse phenomena (radiation, evapotranspiration, convection, photosynthesis).
  • Strong background in simulation/modelling tools (CFD, TRSNYS) is necessary.
  • Proven track record in related topics.
  • Experience in greenhouse farming is an asset.
  • Strong analytical, problem solving and teamwork skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.

Application and Selection:

Application folder must contain:

  • Detailed CV.
  • Motivation letter, emphasizing your specific interest and experience.

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ASARI: Postdoc in Modeling and simulation of greenhouses
Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, Morocco Benguerir, Marruecos
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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

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