Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

Fully Funded PhD Positions in Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry & Materials, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Earth Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics

2025-01-08 (Europe/Vienna)
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The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) is looking for highly qualified candidates with Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees to apply for our PhD program. We offer fully funded PhD positions in Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry & Materials, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Earth Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics in a world-class research environment on the outskirts of Vienna.

 In 2019, ISTA was ranked #3 in the world-wide Nature Index ranking (normalized). In 2018, ISTA was ranked within the top ten of Nature Index Rising Stars “Top 30 academic institutions under 30” list.

All students are offered 5-year contracts, they receive internationally competitive salaries, and full social security coverage

The application deadline is January 8, 2025 for a PhD program start date in September 2025.

Join our Virtual Student Open Day on November 20!
The Virtual Student Open Day is a great opportunity to explore our programs and campus virtually, wherever you are located. The program includes a range of live sessions from the Graduate School Office, academics, and students.

You can find out about our PhD program, the ISTA research experience, support services, the ISTA campus and much more by attending one of the talks.

  • International and Diverse Scientific Community

Our scientists, from professors to postdocs to students, hail from all corners of the world, representing over 80 different nationalities, and build on research and degrees earned from the finest global scientific institutes and universities.

  • English-Speaking

We use English throughout the Institute as the language of instruction and communication.

  • Interdisciplinary

 Our Graduate Program is characterized by modern comprehensive training with a special interdisciplinary focus.

  • Cutting-Edge Research Training

Students work closely with outstanding faculty within small research groups and have access to first-rate facilities. Students spend the first year completing coursework and rotations before affiliating with a group.

This first phase of exploration allows students to ensure that the research topic, as well as the research group, are the best match for them before embarking on in-depth thesis research in the second phase.

  • Entry with a Bachelor's or Master's Degree

We welcome students with a Bachelor’s or a Master’s in science to apply for our PhD program.

  • Funding

All PhD students are offered 5-year contracts. All students making reasonable progress are fully funded until the time of their thesis defense.

ISTA relies on diverse funding sources to support all its researchers. Our Grant Office supports ISTA scientists who would like to apply for external funding. Students also receive financial support to attend scientific conferences and workshops.

  • Careers

Our distinguished alumni have gone on to successful careers after their PhD studies at ISTA.

PhD students receive support through our mentorship and career development programs which focus on training in transferable skills for academia and beyond. Throughout their studies, PhD students are supported by Career Services, which provide career development advice and training.

We also provide xista, an in-house science venture that supports researchers in the commercial development and use of their research results.


 ISTA welcomes students with different academic backgrounds who can bring their skills and experiences to the scientific setting.

Students with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry & Materials, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Earth Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics are encouraged to apply.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

ISTA cherishes diversity in personalities, backgrounds, experiences and thoughts among all our employees. Diversity creates a workplace that enables employees to gain new ideas and insights and that will take science into exciting new directions.                   

ISTA is committed to equal opportunities and social equity, regardless of age, gender (identity), ethnicity, race, social/cultural background, creed, religion, sexual orientation, and physical/cognitive abilities. Please see our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion web page for more information. 


We ask you to upload the following documents to the application portal:

  • CV
  • Statement of purpose that explains your research experience and your motivation for applying to the ISTA PhD program. It should be 1-2 pages maximum. In your statement, specify up to three research groups you find the most interesting. At this stage you do not need to contact potential supervisors.
  • University transcripts and diplomas of all degree programs and all years you have attended and/or are currently enrolled in (in English and in original language).
  • Contact information of 3 referees

All documents must be submitted in English. Copies of university transcripts must be in both English and in their original language. The application deadline is January 8, 2025.


Fully Funded PhD Positions in Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry & Materials, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Earth Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics
Campus 1 Klosterneuburg, Austria
Fecha límite de aplicación
2025-01-08 23:59 (Europe/Vienna)
2025-01-08 23:59 (CET)
Tipo de trabajo
Ecología, , Fisiología, , Neurociencia, , Bioinformática, , Virología, y 155 más Biología Molecular, Microbiología, Genética, Limnología, Biología de Sistemas, Astronomía, Astrobiología, Etnologia, Bioestadística, Biotecnología, Botánica, Investigación del Cáncer, Biología Celular, Cronobiología, Biología Computacional, Biología del desarrollo, Entomología, Biología Evolutiva, Histología, Biología Humana, Biología Marina, Micología, Nanobiología, Paleobiología, Parasitología, Biología Estructural, Taxonomía, Zoología, Algoritmos, Inteligencia Artificial, Red Neuronal Artificial, Big Data, Computación Científica, Informática y Sociedad, Arquitectura Informática, Redes Informáticas de Comunicación, Gráficos Informáticos, Visión por Computador, Informática en las Matemáticas, Ciencias Naturales, Ingeniería y Medicina, Informática en las Ciencias Sociales, Arte y Humanidades, Cyber Security, Minería de Datos, Estructuras de Datos, Bases de datos, Informática Distribuída, Diseño de Juegos, Interacción Persona-Ordenador, Informática, Ciencia de la Información, Sistemas de Información (Informática de Negocios), Aprendizaje de Máquina, Visión Artificial, Sistemas Operativos, Informática Paralela, Lenguajes de Programación, Informática Cuántica, Ingeniería de Software, Teoría de la Computación, Química Analítica, Química Atmosférica, Bioquímica, Catálisis, Biología Química, Termodinámica Química, Quimioinformática, Química Computacional, Electroquímica, Química Medioambiental, Inmunoquímica, Química Inorgánica, Química de Materiales, Química Matemática, Química Médica, Química Molecular, Bioquímica Nanotecnológica, Nanoquímica, Nanotecnología, Química Nuclear, Química Orgánica, Química Organometálica, Petroquímica, Fotoquímica, Química Física, Fitoquímica, Química de Polímeros, Radioquímica, Química del Estado Sólido, Espectroscopía, Química de Superficies, Síntesis Química, Química Teórica, Termoquímica, Ciencias Atmosféricas, Biogeografía, Cartografía, Climatología, Geoquímica, Geodesia y Prospección, Geografía, Geoinformática, Geología, Geomicrobiología, Geomorfología, Geoestadística, Hidrogeología, Hidrología, Geociencia Marina, Meteorología, Mineralogía, Oceanografía, Paleoclimatología, Paleontología, Petrología, Teledetección, Sismología, Volcanología, Álgebra, Análisis, Matemáticas Aplicadas, Matemática Computacional, Geometría y Topología, Lógica, Teoría de Números, Teoría de la Probabilidad, Estadística, Estocástico, Física de Aceleradores, Acústica, Física Aplicada, Física Atómica, Molecular y Óptica, Biofísica, Física Química, Física Computacional, Física de la Materia Condensada, Criogenia, Electromagnetismo, Física Experimental, Dinámica de Fluidos, Mecánica de Fluidos, Geofísica, Física del Láser, Física de Materiales, Física Matemática, Física Médica, Física Molecular, Física Nuclear, Óptica, Física de Partículas, Fotónica, Física del Plasma, Física Cuántica, Solid-state Physics, Física Teórica, Termodinámica, Dinámica de Vehículos
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Sobre el empleador

ISTA Austria is a multidisciplinary research institution dedicated to cutting-edge basic research in the natural, mathematical, and computer sciences.

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