GIGA Research Centre

Postdoc position at the GIGA-Institute, ULiege, Belgium

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The Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Signal Transduction located at the GIGA-Institute of the University of Liège is seeking a highly-qualified and motivated postdoctoral fellow.


The project is dedicated to the understanding of the biological function of the NFkB- Inducing-Kinase NIK. This kinase is known to activate the non-canonical NFkB pathway which is crucial for the development of secondary lymphoid organs as well for the innate and adaptive immune response. However, NIK has also a NFkB-independent whose biological function is still elusive. We aim to characterize this new function using in vitro and in vivo mouse models.


The candidate should have a PhD in Life Sciences, a good experience in molecular and cell biology and an experience with mouse work.

The candidate should not have spent more than 1 year in Belgium the last 3 years. The appointment is for 2 (+1) years and is available immediately.

Complete applications, including CV, publication list, a concise summary of previous research activities and 2 recommendation letters should be submitted to

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Postdoc position at the GIGA-Institute, ULiege, Belgium
CHU - B34, Quartier Hôpital Avenue de l'Hôpital Rocourt, Bélgica
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